
Jonnie Assignment #1


#4 Here's my pretty building. Taken on the upper west side.

man with boobs
Here is my "Person on a bench(#7)". Ok so he ain't sittin on no park bench,but come on look at those titties.
Flowers in Soho #8
Flowers in Soho #8


Eric said...

Jonnie, the pictures look great. Can you recall which were tmax and which were tri-x? Iknow this is a bit of an obsession of mine.

LIGHT SICK said...

Hi Eric,

To answer your question, the Upper East Side building and the Boobs and the man were taken with Tmax 400 and the Old man smoking and the flower vase was taken with Tri-x 400.

Tmax has a finer grain. I've noticed in your photos that you have slight overexposure. I wonder if you set your camera ISO to 200 with Tmax 400 and then ask the photo lab to do a N-1 development.

Let me do more research before I speak any further on the matter though.